Oct 13, 2023
A photo of an alternator and the text: Does Your Ford Need an Alternator Repair - John Hinderer Ford Blog

While you’re driving your car, the engine’s crankshaft sends mechanical power to the alternator, which generates electrical power for the entire vehicle. If your alternator suffers a fault, your car will rapidly run into all kinds of electrical trouble. Here are a few warning signs to look out for. You can have your alternator repaired promptly at your local Ford dealership. 

Misbehaving Electrical Components

When the alternator fails, the car’s entire electrical power falters. This means the battery will be struggling to keep all the electrical accessories going, which won’t last for long. If you notice the stereo, infotainment system, phone charger, power windows, heated seating, dashboard lights, and other electrical parts slowing down or acting strangely, your alternator might be to blame. 

Flickering or Dimming Headlights

When a modern car’s electrical power starts to fail, there’s often a prioritization system in place that cuts power from less important accessories before the essential electrical parts. For this reason, your headlights will probably be the last components to falter. But you’ll soon notice them flickering and dimming before they eventually fail. 

Weakening Power From the Battery 

The alternator recharges the battery each time you drive, so any battery problems may be caused by a bad alternator. For example, if your car struggles to start one morning, it may be because the alternator failed to replenish the battery’s voltage on your last trip. 

Growling Sounds From Under the Hood

The engine’s crankshaft is connected to the alternator by the drive belt. If this belt loosens or starts to slip off the pulleys, you may hear it growling or whining loudly. At the same time, you’ll probably notice the various other problems outlined in this article.

Burning Rubber Smells 

A loosened drive belt may generate so much friction that it starts to heat up excessively, creating a burning rubber smell. If wires in the alternator become frayed or damaged, they can also burn, which you might smell from inside the cabin. Any smell of burning rubber in your car should never be ignored.

Blinking Alternator Warning Light

Finally, a problem with your alternator is very likely to trigger the alternator warning light on your dashboard. This light may read “ALT” or “GEN.” Alternatively, you may see the battery warning light instead. 

How Your Ford Dealer Can Repair Your Alternator

An experienced technician may be able to dismantle your alternator and repair or replace the worn-out parts to restore it to good working order. They’ll disassemble the alternator and examine each part in turn, including the brushes, stator, rotor, diodes, regulator, and cooling fan. Once the faulty parts are replaced, you may get tens of thousands of miles more out of your alternator before you finally need a new one. 

Have your alternator inspected and repaired today at John Hinderer Ford. We’re a local full-service value-driven dealership dedicated to helping our customers to the best of our abilities. 

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